Abucay LGU, explore ‘Pasukulan Falls’

Philippine Standard Time:

Abucay LGU, explore ‘Pasukulan Falls’

Lovers of nature and tourists are going to have wonderful moment with nature where there is a vast of greenery, cool air, tall trees, clean water and the chirping of birds.

One can experience this kind of thing– being close to nature if you explore the yet unexplored “Pasukulan Falls” in Mt. Natib where only determined mountaineers reach the place.

Last week, Mayor Robin Tagle of Abucay, Bataan and former Pilar town mayor Alice Pizarro, provincial tourism officer led a group of municipal employees and staff of tourism offices made a daring climb to the site of “Pasukulan Falls” to find out if it was possible to develop the site into an eco-tourism destination.

Pizarro said the plan has yet to be studied carefully because the site is within the protected area.

Lito Vergara, a former tourist guide, said going to the falls is quite an arduous trip which is 4 to 5 hours depending on the experience of people joining the trip.

However, he said there is a short path going to the falls somewhere in Tala, Orani where there is good passage way being used by mountaineers.

As to how the falls got is name, Vergara”s explanation was brief and concise.

He said hunters find it amusing when the wild animals they are chasing could no longer get out of Pasukulan Falls.

“They got captured, or nasukol na.”

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