Free breakfast for FAB workers

Philippine Standard Time:

Free breakfast for FAB workers

In celebration of the 14th anniversary of the Freeport Area of Bataan ( FAB ), the Authority of the Freeport Area of Bataan (AFAB) launched its first initiative of providing free breakfast to the workers of FAB. The event took place Tuesday, November 6, 2023, marking a significant moment in the history of this bustling economic hub.

AFAB, the governing body of FAB, initiated this generous endeavor by reaching out to one of the registered companies within the Freeport Area. Mitsumi Philippines, Inc., a well-known entity in FAB, was the first recipient of this thoughtful gesture. Workers of Mitsumi Philippines, Inc. were treated to a complimentary breakfast, expressing AFAB’s deep appreciation for their dedication and hard work. This act of kindness is expected to continue, benefiting more FAB workers in the coming days. The free breakfast initiative serves as a symbol of gratitude from AFAB to the diligent workers who tirelessly contribute to the daily operations of the Freeport Area, fostering a prosperous and progressive economy.

The Freeport Area of Bataan, situated in the heart of this beautiful province, has been a beacon of economic growth and development. With its state-of-the-art facilities and strategic location, FAB has attracted numerous local and international businesses, creating job opportunities and enhancing the region’s economic landscape.

AFAB Administrator Mohammed Hussein Pangandaman expressed his heartfelt appreciation to the workforce, stating, “Our dedicated workers are the backbone of FAB. Their unwavering commitment has played a pivotal role in making FAB the success story it is today. This small token of a free breakfast is a testament to our gratitude for their hard work and resilience.”

The initiative received positive feedback from the workers, who welcomed the gesture with smiles and gratitude. Many expressed their gratitude for the recognition of their efforts, emphasizing the importance of such initiatives in fostering a sense of community and appreciation.

As AFAB continues to explore ways to enhance the well-being of its workforce, the free breakfast initiative stands as a shining example of their commitment to the people who make FAB thrive. This act of generosity not only fills stomachs but also warms hearts, creating a positive and inclusive atmosphere within the Freeport Area of Bataan. With this small yet meaningful gesture, AFAB reaffirms its dedication to the welfare of its workers, promising a brighter and more prosperous future for everyone involved in the success story of the Freeport Area of Bataan.

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