Gov. Joet Garcia leads inspection of business facility

Philippine Standard Time:

Gov. Joet Garcia leads inspection of business facility

In a highly anticipated move, Governor Joet Garcia personally led an inspection of a business facility in Bagac, Bataan on Tuesday. The company, which has long been a subject of speculation among locals, had never before been accessed by any public officials, including Bagac Mayor Rommel Del Rosario. Rumors had circulated suggesting that the facility might be a “POGO” (Philippine Offshore Gaming Operator) center.

Accompanying Governor Garcia were key officials from the PNP Bataan led by Col. Palmer Tria, NBI Bataan chief Atty. Nathaniel Ramos, AFAB Director Atty. Joey Angeles, the legal team of the Bataan Provincial Government, and local media practitioners affiliated with various national news organizations.

The inspection was conducted under the guidance of Norman Hon Wui Chaw, the CEO of Central One Bataan PH. The management team provided a tour of the central business area, though photography and videography were strictly prohibited.

Chaw, a Malaysian national, clarified that the company is registered with the Authority of the Freeport Area of Bataan (AFAB) and was established in 2022 with an initial investment of PHP 600 million. The facility spans 2.6 hectares and features several buildings, both completed and under construction.

Currently, Central One Bataan PH operates as a business process outsourcing (BPO) company with over 1,500 employees. Among these workers, more than ninety are foreign nationals, including Malaysians, Taiwanese, Brazilians, and Indonesians. Chaw emphasized that there are no Chinese nationals employed at the company.

After a thorough inspection, both Governor Garcia and Mayor Del Rosario reported that they observed no irregularities in the company’s operations. Their findings are expected to address and dispel the persistent rumors surrounding the facility.

Governor Garcia stated, “We conducted this inspection to ensure transparency and to address the concerns of our constituents. Based on our observations, we found no evidence of any illicit activities within the company.”

The inspection aimed to reassure the public and demonstrate the commitment of local officials to maintaining transparency and accountability in business operations within Bataan.

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