Towards gender equality and empowerment

Philippine Standard Time:

Towards gender equality and empowerment

In a significant move towards promoting gender equality and empowering victims of abuse, Bataan First District Representative Geraldine B. Roman led discussions during the 7th Regular Meeting of the House Committee on Women and Gender Equality.

The said meeting highlighted two legislative measures of national importance, emphasizing the need to fortify family relations and ensure fundamental equality between men and women under marriage and family laws.

Rep. Geraldine Roman stressed the importance of taking concrete steps towards achieving true gender equality in the country. She emphasized the need to strengthen the foundations of family relationships while ensuring that men and women are treated equally under the law in matters related to marriage and family. “Patuloy ang ating hakbang patungo sa pagkakapantay-pantay,” Rep. Roman declared, reaffirming her commitment to the cause of gender equality. The first legislative measure discussed aims to fortify the foundations of family relations in the Philippines. Rep. Roman emphasized the significance of fostering healthy family dynamics, which are crucial for the overall well-being of society. Strengthening these foundations would not only contribute to the happiness and stability of families but also create a positive impact on the nation as a whole.

The second measure addressed the urgent need to support and empower victims of abuse actively. Rep. Roman highlighted the importance of providing comprehensive assistance to victims while also empowering them to regain control over their lives. The focus was on creating avenues for survivors to access resources, support networks, and legal aid, ensuring that they can rebuild their lives after facing traumatic experiences. “It’s not enough to merely assist victims of abuse; we must empower them to stand tall, regain their confidence, and rebuild their lives,” Rep. Roman asserted during the meeting. The discussions underscored the commitment of Congresswoman Roman and the Committee on Women and Gender Equality to work towards a society where everyone, regardless of gender, is treated with respect and dignity.

The proposed legislative measures aim to address existing gaps in the legal framework and promote a more inclusive and supportive environment for all citizens. Advocates and activists in the field of gender equality have praised Rep. Roman’s efforts, hailing her as a champion for women’s rights and a driving force behind these crucial legislative initiatives.

The post Towards gender equality and empowerment appeared first on 1Bataan.

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