Issuance of Veterinary Health Certificates
Provision of assistance to livestock and poultry raisers/traders and companion animal owners during transport of their pets, products and by-products. Government veterinarians may issue or concur veterinary health certificates.
Read MoreSpecial Collection of Solid Waste
The PG-ENRO can provide special waste collection service to institutional areas not included in its regular service areas.
Read MoreIssuance of Shipping Permits
Provision of assistance to livestock and poultry raisers/traders and companion animal owners during transport of their pets, products and by-products.
Read MoreInspection of Poultry and Piggery Farms
Commercial poultry and piggery farms are being monitored and regulated in order to ensure that all are compliant to biosecurity standards, thus minimizing fly infestation and disease transmission.
Read MoreTreatment and Vaccination of Companion Animals of Walk-in Clients
The Office of the Provincial Veterinarian also serves as an animal clinic for companion animals (dogs and cats).
Read MoreFacilitation of Animal Dispersal
In order to help increase food animal population and to provide alternative sources of meat and protein, distribution of different species of food animals is being undertaken.
Read MoreTesting of Samples for Rabies
As part of the JAPOHR Project on rabies diagnosis, the office is performing screening test for rabies using the straw method of sample collection and ICT as diagnostic tool
Read MoreDisinfection of Backyard Farms, Slaughterhouses and Locally-registered Meat Establishments
Disinfection of backyard farms, slaughterhouses and LRMEs is one of the meat inspection services being offered by the office to ensure that establishments that handle meat products follow the food hygiene protocol.
Read MoreTesting of samples for ASF using cPCR
ASF samples that were collected for disease investigation, disease surveillance and local shipment for slaughter were being screened/tested at the Office of the Provincial Veterinarian.
Read MoreDisease Investigation – ASF, AI, Rabies and other Notifiable Diseases
Disease investigation is necessary whenever there is a report of suspected occurrence of notifiable diseases such as rabies, avian influenza, african swine fever, foot and mouth disease and the like.
Read MorePost-Meat Establishment Inspection
Inspection of meat establishments including meat stalls and meat shops is one of the meat inspection services being offered by the office to ensure that all meat products sold within the Province are fit for human consumption and meat sellers observe meat safety protocols.
Read MoreConduct of Livelihood Trainings/Seminars
Livelihood trainings/seminars provide knowledge and skills to interested individuals regarding animal production and other value-adding processes.
Read MoreNeutering of Pets
Neutering of pets is one of the rabies control and prevention measures being undertaken by the office.
Read MoreCollection of samples for ASF and AI Testing
Collection of samples is being done as part of disease investigation, disease surveillance and shipment requirements of pigs and poultry.
Read MoreMonitoring of CBED Program
Quarterly monitoring of Community-based Enterprise Development Program under the Philippine Carabao Center.
Read MoreArtificial Insemination of Large Ruminants
Artificial insemination is being utilized in order to increase productivity of large ruminants while ensuring good genetic qualities for the offsprings.
Read MoreTreatment and Vaccination of Livestock and Poultry
One of the core activities of the office is to provide veterinary services to all food animals. Medical services include deworming, vaccination, vitamin administration, antimicrobial therapy, assistance during birth, etc.
Read MoreAccreditation of Commercial Poultry Breeder Farms
Commercial poultry farms, specifically breeders (GP and PS) and layers, undergo accreditation every six (6) months.
Read MoreMass Vaccination of Pets Against Rabies
Immunization of pets against rabies is one of the most effective and efficient way of controlling and preventing the spread of this fatal disease. The Office of the Provincial Veterinarian conducts house-to-house community activity.
Read MoreMonitoring of Bull Loan Program
Quarterly monitoring of Community-based Enterprise Development Program under the Philippine Carabao Center.
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