DOLE grants P1M to Hermosa communities

Philippine Standard Time:

DOLE grants P1M to Hermosa communities

In a heartening development, the vibrant town of Hermosa received a significant financial boost as the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) allocated an additional budget of PHP 1 million to the municipality.

This substantial grant aims to enhance the livelihoods of various sectors within the community. The ceremony took place at the bustling SM City Bataan, where representatives from Hermosa and neighboring areas gathered to witness the momentous occasion. Among those present were Councilor Lou Narciso, Councilor Boyet Yandoc, Councilor Jason Enriquez, Municipal Public Employment Service Office (PESO) Manager Ofelia Datu, and several councilors from the City of Balanga. The beneficiaries of this generous allocation include the Hermosa, Culis, Pandatung, Sibul, Nazareno (H-CPSN) Tricycle Operators and Drivers Association (TODA) and the Almacen Fisherman Cooperative (AFC). These groups play a crucial role in the local economy, providing essential services and contributing to the community’s overall welfare.

Mayor Jopet Inton of Hermosa expressed his heartfelt gratitude for the timely assistance from DOLE. In a social media post that quickly garnered attention, Mayor Inton emphasized the positive impact this budget will have on the town’s sectors. “With this support, we can further enhance their work conditions and provide additional resources to improve their livelihoods,” he remarked. Councilor Narciso, reflecting on the event, stated, “This financial aid is a testament to the strong collaboration between our local government and DOLE. It is a step forward in our continuous efforts to uplift the lives of our constituents.”

The PHP 1 million grant is expected to be utilized in various initiatives aimed at improving infrastructure, providing necessary equipment, and offering training programs for the beneficiaries. The tricycle operators and drivers, who are integral to the town’s transport system, will receive support to enhance their services and ensure safer and more efficient transportation for residents.

Meanwhile, the fisherman cooperative will benefit from improved resources, aiding them in their daily operations and boosting their productivity. This significant milestone marks a new chapter for Hermosa, where community-driven development and governmental support converge to foster a brighter future.

As the town looks ahead, the unity and collaborative spirit among its people and leaders will undoubtedly pave the way for continued progress and prosperity. Hermosa’s story of resilience and collective effort serves as an inspiration, showcasing how dedicated leadership and targeted support can drive meaningful change in local communities.

The post DOLE grants P1M to Hermosa communities appeared first on 1Bataan.

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